The "textfiles" subdirectory under the "datafiles" directory contains one DOS-formatted ascii text file for each state for which a spreadsheet file was created (all states except West Virginia). The text file is a tab-delimited file which can easily be imported into a variety of vendor software packages, including Excel. Each file has 6442 records and is layed out as follows: a record for the table title followed by a record for the table universe followed by 3 records for each table cell. The first 3 columns are the same as in the spreadsheet files. The 4th column is named "vartype". It is blank for all non-data records and has one of the values "E", "L", "U" for the data records, where E = estimates, L = lower bounds of confidence intervals for the estimates, and U = upper bounds of confidence intervals for the estimates. After the vartype column comes a series of columns starting with the U.S. and the state and followed by a column for each geographic area within the state that is being published from the C2SS. These geographic areas are in sort by name, irrespective of the type of geographic area. The column names basically the same as are displayed in the spreadsheet. They are truncated in some cases. We plan to replace these files with ones that have more readable names in the next few days. This file layout is based on discussions we held several weeks ago with a group of reporters using the C2SS data and on subsequent mail messages. It is described visually below (taken from a message from Paul Overberg of USA Today). Please send all comments/criticisms of these files and the layout to Doug Hillmer U.S. Bureau of the Census (301)457-2994 GeoColumns vartype USA MyState Geo Area 1 Geo Area 2 ... Var1 E(stimate) LowerEstVar1 L(ower bound) UpperEstVar1 U(pper bound) Var2 E LowerEstVar2 L UpperEstVar2 U etc.