Lloyd Potter
Texas State Demographer

Interactive Maps & Tools

March 14,2025

The interactive maps highlight the primary factors that have driven population changes in Texas counties since 2010, including two major components: natural change and net migration. The maps are updated annually with the latest Census Bureau population estimates.

May 20,2024

Explore our new interactive population density maps for MSA, County, Tract, Block Group, Place, School District, and ZCTA geographies in Texas. These pop density maps are based on the latest ACS 5-Year estimates and TIGER/Line data.

October 18,2022

This story map uses the Texas Demographic Center’s Vintage 2022 population projections to map future county population changes. We use swipe maps to compare total population between 2020 and 2040, and between 2020 and 2060. We have also mapped population change for counties (numeric and percent) between 2020-2040 and 2020-2060. All the maps are available in the two migration scenarios, the first assumes the 2010-2020 migration rates (the 1.0 scenario), and the second assumes half the migration rates of 2010-2020 (the 0.5 scenario)

March 24,2022

This swipe map was developed to visualize changes in employment and educational attainment in Texas between 2010-2020 at the county and the census tract level.

August 24,2021

View 2020 Decennial Census population for Texas down to the block level and population changes between 2010 and 2020. 

August 17,2021

The Texas Demographic Center created this interactive tool using 2000-2020 Census Public Law 94-171 Redistricting Data to visualize changes between 2000 and 2020 by County or Council of Government.

August 17,2021

The Texas Demographic Center created this interactive tool using 2000-2020 Census Public Law 94-171 Redistricting Data to visualize changes between 2000 and 2020 by Place.

June 24,2021

View State and County population pyramids between 2010 and 2020 by year or race and ethnicity.

February 11,2021

These dashboards were developed to present demographic and transportation census data with visualizations and user tutorials.

October 28,2020

This interactive application was created to show self-response to the 2020 Census and Hard-to-Count population characteristics.

January 01,2019

In this story map, we visualize our vintage 2018 projections employing migration patterns between 2010 and 2015 and a new race/ethnicity category - non-Hispanic Asian. We provide information on the projected population (numeric and percent) for counties by race/ethnicity.