Lloyd Potter
Texas State Demographer

Texas Population Projections Program

The Texas Demographic Center generates biennial population projections for the state and its counties by age, sex, and race/ethnicity. The projections should be used only with full awareness of the inherent limitations of population projections and with detailed knowledge of the procedures and assumptions delineated in the methodology document.

Vintage 2018 Projections

Population Projections
Suggested Citations

Projections Methodology

Review the methodology prior to using the data.


Texas Population Projections 2010-2050.

File Downloads

Population for 2010-2050 for State of Texas and Counties.

Household Projections
Suggested Citations

Projections Methodology

Review the methodology prior to using the data.


Texas Household Trends and Projections, 2010-2050.

File Download

State and county projections of total, owner, and renter households for 2010-2050.

Labor Force Projections
Suggested Citations

Projections Methodology

Review the methodology prior to using the data.


Who Makes up the Texas Civilian Labor Force: Past, Present, and Projected.

File Download

Projections of the labor force for 2010-2050.